A Book of Poetry
Intended to inspire, Sublime is a book of poetry that explores love, loss, and beauty.
A slice of heaven
enters our lives
when we open our minds
to the world.
Interlude, Perfect
Evening, warm kissed
by slanted rays,
the day almost done.
Colors muted and
sylvan fragrance
taken on.
Clouds burgeon,
hinting of showers
and night's dark fall.
Meadow flowers,
lovely, west-ward leaning,
welcome what’s to come.
Wet, cool,
rain drops caress
our skin.
A crack of thunder
sends us running,
whipped by the wind.
Not a span of time.
Now solamente,
attitude relative,
solely owned.
Reality –
only what
this moment holds.
Nada before, nada after.
only a memory.
Tomorrow isn’t,
except as a dream.
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